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GUI Loading-Bar in CMD - Batch Loading Screen effect | Loading Function 1.0 By Gls

It is not always impossible to achieve most of the GUI in CMD or Batch via Scripting. But, Here in this article - I'm gonna say that - the time you spend in coding a simple GUI output in CMD console - will be saved now. And, You can use that precious saved time in innovating your project more. Because, If something already exists for our help - then it is not wise to do the task again and again (unless - you are trying to prove something or discovering something new). Download Loading Function 1.0 By Gls - And, Enjoy the saved time. :)
Every Rule has an Exception - Be that Beautiful exception!
GUI Loading-Bar in CMD - Batch Loading Screen effect | Loading Function 1.0 By Gls
Loading Function v.1.0 | By Gls 
As, You can see in the above screenshot - The Loading Function displays simple Loading Bar Kinda Output on the CMD console (already formatted). And, You can make your personal project much more beautiful and simple using this kind of Batch Function libraries. TheBATeam's Goal is to make Batch programming Simple And Easy of everyone.
Never Confuse Simple with Easy. - Never!

GUI Loading-Bar in CMD - Batch Loading Screen effect

The Loading Function v.1.0 By Gls is very simple to use. All you need to do is to Call the function by a simple line of Code. And, All of your complex Code will be represented as a sexy Loading-bar on the console screen. Let's have a look at its technical aspects.

GUI Loading-Bar in CMD - Batch Loading Screen effect | Loading Function 1.0 By Gls
Can Make Loading bar as long as you want.

Loading Function 1.0 By Gls

Although, you can Display a simple cmd loading bar using few lines of Code. But, The Loading Function v.1.0 By Gls give little-advanced output and allows you to Select between - Definite loading and Relative Loading. And, you can select position and color of your loading bar as per your requirement. There are Lots of features of this function. We'll discuss them below.

What is Loading Function?

Loading Function v.1.0 By Gls is a simple 4.71 KBs of Batch File (wrapped as a function). It uses Other Utilities of Batch for displaying lightening fast output on the CMD Console. The Loading Function  uses Following Functions to achieve the required goal in CMD console:
GUI Loading-Bar in CMD - Batch Loading Screen effect | Loading Function 1.0 By Gls
Loading Function - And its dependencies!

What are the - "Features of Loading Function"?

Loading Function v.1.0 has great features all of them are simple and easy to understand. And, You can simply execute the complex looking output of the program into something great. The Features are arranged in a short list - to save a bit of time. :)
Also Read: How to Show Images on CMD Console?
  • Simple & Easy to Use - One line of Code in the main program. (See Syntax 'Loading /?')
  • Two Kinds of Loading - Definite & Indefinite
    • Definite: Where you know, the current position value of the progress barEg: 46 (out of 100)
    • InDefinite: Where You are not sure - how much time it will take to complete. Eg: Similar to this video Tutorial.
  • Select Any Size of Loading bar length as per Requirement. (Auto-Adjust Feature.)
  • Change to any color.
  • Show Required Character as the loading Element inside the loading-bar.
  • Reverse Loading is also possible - Can be called 'Unloading' (Try values from 100 to 1)
  • Negative Values can also be taken by function and displays absolute value's result.
  • Values more than 100 are also allowed. They got trimmed between 0 & 100.
  • Adjust Loading bar's progress according to the total length of bar on the console.
  • Displays error, if Loading-bar dimensions exceed the current console settings. (Size)
  • Display Current 'Percentage' Position in the Middle of the Loading-bar. (eg. 46%)
GUI Loading-Bar in CMD - Batch Loading Screen effect | Loading Function 1.0 By Gls
Reverse Loading or 'Unloading' is also possible.

How to use Loading Function after Download?

When You'll Download Loading Function to your system. And, Try to run the Test files within the folder. You'll find Syntax of Loading function in that file. But, We've also built the traditional Help menu for helping you out. you can simply take a look at the Following Image - or Try executing 'Loading /?' in the CMD console (keeping the Function files in the working directories). You'll see this Help menu.

GUI Loading-Bar in CMD - Batch Loading Screen effect | Loading Function 1.0 By Gls
CMD Loading Function v.1.0 | By Gls - help Menu
The Loading Function v.1.0 has made the batch loading screen effect much more simpler. Because, Batch Loading Bar requests were high. So, I decided to make an easy and simple alternative to traditional Long methods. :)

From Editor's Desk

In the End of this amazing & informative article regarding CMD Loading Animation & loading effect in CMD. I would like to ask you to give your opinions and responses regarding my work. And, Did you like the way I explain it and other things? Feel free to give your True feedbacks via comments below. It won't hurt you to spend 10 sec. to appreciate us. But, it may make our day better. :)
A good teacher must know the rules;
A good pupil, the exceptions.
Motivate us via your comments. :) And, If you want to share your work via this Website (Like we do here) - Feel free to visit 'Your Work' tab in the Menubar. We'll contact you regarding your entry within a week. :) Thanks for your time and faith. Happy coding!

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