Submit Your Work ...
You can simply submit your work in the field of Batch programming here But you must follow following simple terms in order to get into the #TheBATeam and submit your entry...
Arise! Awake! and don't stop until the goal is reached.
--Swami Vivekananda
- If you're using the code of some other author in your submitted entry as sub-code, Do Give Proper Credits ... As this will not decrease your reputation.
- Do give as max. comments as you can in your Code... So, it'll be easier to understand the code and Maybe some good programmer may upgrade it.
- Try to use min. Goto statements as they create an irregularity in the code's direction of flow and run... and they make it difficult to understand & finding errors if the code is too lengthy.
- Don't Copy-Paste your whole code here in the Form, it will create a mess... Just compress your batch-file + Documentation + Source Code into Zip and upload it to any 'free storage providing Website' like... mediafire, Google-Drive, Photo-Bucket, Drop-Box etc. and Paste the Link to download ...
- Do create a help message for telling usage of your batch file ... so that we can understand it without reading the whole code. ('/?' Help menu)
- Also, Create a Little Explanation of the Plugin / Program / Project You are sharing with the world, in Your own words. Because, No-one can know your creation better than you. :)
- Create a simple file and compress it in the same ZIP file, telling the algorithm and features of your batch file and innovative ways to use your batch file... (Optional)
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