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Take Screenshot of Current Screen Using CMD | The Batch Snaper | By Lego Stoppro

Batch Snaper By Lego Stoppro: The Best thing about Humans is that, If they don't find any tool related to their need. They simply make it by putting together few Pre-existing Elements. Lego Stoppro has done something similar, and Submitted their entry to TheHacker for helping out other people. Who are facing the similar problems as Lego.

This is really an amazing and innovative creation by Lego. As, They used the existing tools inventively to create something new and unique. We really appreciate their work in the field of batch programming. It is a Quite amazing Concept with Batch Programs. Let's see more about this amazing creation:

Take Screenshot of Current Screen Using CMD | The Batch Snaper | By Lego Stoppro

What is Batch Snaper?

Batch Snaper is a 14 KBs of Batch program, Created by LegoStoppro. This simple Batch program allows users to take Screenshots of the current Desktop screen, like an advanced professional screenshot software. The only difference is that it is free and No extra registration is needed for using this awesome tool, & it is simple to use.

Take Screenshot of Current Screen Using CMD | The Batch Snaper | By Lego Stoppro

It uses 7 Batch Plugin to accomplish this task within 14 KBs of Code. Because, creating this much useful and neat Program within this amount of small Text-Code is not so easy. And, Lego is a smart person – who knows the right way to accomplish the goal. Here’s the list of All Plugins that Lego has used to Create this Awesome Creation:
  1. Batbox – An Awesome Batch Plugin By DarkBatcher (For Lightening Fast output)
  2. Box Function 3.0 By Kvc – (For Clean Text Field Creation)
  3. Button Function 1.0 By Kvc – (For Clickable Button Like layout on CMD)
  4. Fn.dll – An Awesome Batch Plugin by Anonymous (For Blinking Cursor Problem)
  5. Getlen Function 1.0 By Kvc – (Sub-function of Button Function)
  6. InsertBmp Plugin By Anonymous – (For Handling the Captured Screenshots)
  7. nirCMD by nir sofer – (For capturing the Screenshots of current Screen)
And, After Reading all about the working of these functions in the main program – you almost have the idea about working of the whole program. And, if you need to – you can also read its simple, But effective code to understand & learn more from it.

What are its features?

As we know, Batch Snaper By Lego Stoppro helps in taking the screenshot of the current screen. And, it has following features as a batch application.
  • Easy to use & understand.
  • Shows a Preview, before Saving Final Output.
  • Allows to Zoom-in & out for checking Screenshot Quality, before Saving.
  • Takes High Quality Screenshots of the Current Screen.
  • One-click-solution to your problem.
So, the user-friendly interface makes it more usable and innovative batch program. Lego has again proved that, Batch has much more potential & Scope than what most of the people think. And, together we can make it more secure and usable programming language.

How to use it?

As, discussed earlier in the article – using BatchSnaper By Lego Stoppro is quite easy & simple. The moment you’ll ‘double-click’ on the Snaper program. It will display you three buttons named as – “Start, About, Exit” And, All the buttons explain most about their working in the program. You can simply take Screenshots by clicking – Start button. Analyze them in the Preview Window. And, If you like the Screenshot – Click on Save and You are Done.
Take Screenshot of Current Screen Using CMD | The Batch Snaper | By Lego Stoppro

From Author’s Heart:

Why I made Batch Snaper?

I created Batch Snaper, because many people do not know how to make screenshots with cmd. and therefore I find it a great idea to make it, simply because there is not much to find and there are people I can help maybe.

About myself

I am (Lego Stoppro) Alex and I'm 12 years old and like to create batch files with things about which very little is to be found. I am Dutch, and cannot speak good English - so it is sometimes difficult to understand what they mean, but I just do what I'm good at and like, and that helps a lot.
And, Here’s a little 3 minutes’ demonstration of this Awesome Batch Application in the video Embedded above. Have a look at this innovative batch creation and then download the actual file. I Hope, You will like this awesome creation of Lego. Feel free to show your reactions about this one to us. We’ll be happy to read your comments. Thanks for your time.

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