Batch Archive [Version 2.1.0001]
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Typography Function ver.1.0 by Gls

Hey, Hello there readers… We’re again back with another amazing tool (plugin) for batch programming, which will certainly help you in making awesome looking batch files… By awesome looking we mean that you can improve the user interface, GUI or some other design factors of your simple batch program to make it more attractive.

But before explaining all about using this function, we want to share a kind of small success of #TheBATeam by telling you that this last week, we got an offer from a Gentle-man who owns a company ‘shaikhIndustries’, He is very impressed by our work in the field of batch programming and wanted to recruit us… we were happy, but when he mentioned that he wanted to sell our batch programs, He directly asked us for the violation of our one and only rule… i.e. Free teaching, Free learning ’Cuz we’re Open source. So, we have to say ‘No’. But we appreciate his choice. So, enough for the success, lets now talk about the Typographic function…

The Typography function will become the main tool for the batch programmers for Editing amazing text (not simple ones) and Effects on the console, as it prints a text string on the console… So how it’s different from Echo command?? Let Us show you an example Pic. Which will clarify 90% of your doubts. The rest 10% we will clarify… That’s why we are here…

Batch function typographic
Echo. Vs. Typo.
So, now we think that you can simply differentiate between the two Text strings “Hello World” Written above on the console screen. The Lower one (small size) is written by using the in-built function ‘Echo’ and the upper one (Bigger size) is Written by using ‘The Typography function’. We’ve analyzed many of the older batch programs, which uses lengthy and time consuming scripting for just showing a simple text effect on the console. But now, you can show these texts simply on the cmd console with help of this function. You can print even 3D looking texts… Let me show you Start screen of my current Project and you’ll get an idea about the function.

Chess clock by kvc
Example of  usage
Yeah, we know how amazing it looks on the cmd console, but chess and our ongoing exams were the reasons for our delayed posts on the blog. One more thing, can you believe it that the 3D looking text [Chess Clock] written above is shown only by writing two simple lines in the main script. Yeah, we know it’s quite fascinating, but that’s why we’ve created it, ‘for the sake of simplicity and easiness’. Some of the hacker movies and Mainly Ironman inspired us to write a code, which will make it easy to do typography on the console. Now without any delay, let’s talk about its technical or scripting part [usage]…

Typographic function example by Gls
Just An inspiration from Ironman 2
As in the above image, you can see the line written above the ‘Welcome Mr. Stark’, you have to simply call the ‘Typo function’ and the following image will show you the help menu of this function. As you noted above, One line of batch code results in reducing too much of Code and headache.

Typographic Help Menu
Help Menu
While using this function in your batch file, if you need to call the typo function more than 2 or 3 times, then the speed of function may be important factor, As during multiple calls its speed get reduced ‘cuz each time you will call Typo function, it will load the FONT file each time. So, to get rid of this time problem and for making it more efficient, we’ve introduced another Function named ‘Load.bat’. Now what you have to do is, call the Load function once, and now the font file is permanently loaded into the cmd environment (until you load another Font file). Now you can go with the multiple calls while consuming minimum possible time.

Syntax: [Call Typo Pixcel.FO 5 5 aa Testing Function]
            Here, It is the simple general Syntax… which is usable in the case where you need to call it Once or twice in your Batch Program.

Syntax: [Call Load ASCII.DB Pixcel.FO              Call Typo - 5 5 aa Testing Function]
            Here, It is the Special Syntax… which is usable in case of multiple calls from your batch program. Note that, you must call the ‘ASCII.DB’ file along with the FONT file (if you are using this special   syntax, i.e. 1st line of the above example will remain same, except the name of font file).
Don’t worry, we’ve also compressed two example files within the original Zip file which contains the Function (Link Given Below) and all the other important files.

This Typography function consumed 20-25 days of hard-work (during my End term Exams) and coding + algorithm. Where making the Font-file [Pixcel.FO] was such a pain in the butt. As firstly we’ve written half of the code for the font file, and the Pen-Drive got misplaced somewhere, so we’ve to start again from the scratch. But writing such Big and lengthy code ruined our life, so we modified ‘The Bpaints by kvc’ a little and used it for generating the code by simply drawing the required shape / character on the console.

It was a lengthy project, but if hard-work of 1 person can make other’s life easier, then it is worthy to work-hard. We are excited to see your new batch programs, which are using this function in some other innovative ways, as we know that there are many innovative brains out there. We hope you’ll like it.

Bpaints for Font file by Gls
Making Font file with Bpaints
If you like our work, Please do comment to show us your thinking, as we have told you our thinking through our posts. We are also humans, and we like social interaction too… Once again, Thanks for your Love and affection.

Keep sharing, keep learning.

Be happy, Spread Happiness…


Download Link: 

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